ISHE Supports Candidacy of ISHE Member Don Page for ASHE Region 5 Representative

ISHE is supporting Don Page for re-election as the ASHE Region 5 Representative. ASHE members can vote for Don through August 21st on the ASHE election page

Don is a current ISHE member, past ISHE president, and a previous recipient of ISHE’s “Max” Award and Engineer of the Year Award. The “Max” Award is given to a member who exemplifies maximum effort and enthusiasm for both the healthcare engineering profession and ISHE, while the Engineer of the Year Award is given to a member who serves as an exemplary model of Indiana healthcare engineering.

Don’s energetic leadership as the ASHE Region 5 Representative has been beneficial for ISHE as well as all of the ASHE chapters in the surrounding states. Through his far-ranging travel, constant communication, and vision he has helped the chapters and region improve by sharing best practices and opportunities for collaboration. We support Don in his re-election and encourage our fellow ISHE and ASHE members to do the same.