Suppliers: Why Join ISHE? How Can You Be More Involved with ISHE?

Healthcare facility industry vendors and current members often ask how they can be more involved in ISHE. Like them, you probably realize that being of service to the healthcare facility engineering profession builds trust and long-term relationships. Helping ISHE is good for the profession and for you.

With that in mind, here are suggestions from successful Associate members:

  • Of course, if you are not already an Associate member, join ISHE. It includes up to three individuals from your company. That is a bargain when you consider what one new project would be worth to your company (in fact, it’s a bargain even if you only had a new project every 100 years!). Membership includes free access to most of the ISHE events and is equal to the cost of one event if you aren’t a member, so it’s an easy decision to renew year after year.  ISHE members notice when someone is – or is not – consistently a member. If you are a member, be sure to keep your information up to date.
  • ISHE has programs in place for Associate members to assist in hosting programs at local hospitals, acting as a sponsor. If your company has done any substantial work at a local hospital, partner with them to host a meeting at their facility and have you talk about the project. ISHE is looking for programs to fill the next year’s calendar. You may submit an ISHE tour candidate – it must be at a healthcare facility (e.g., hospital or similar, not a vendor facility) if you have agreement from the lead project manager at the healthcare facility to do so. Also, see the ISHE calendar.
  • ISHE’s Spring Conference is hugely popular, and it offers very cost-effective sponsorships and tabletop exhibits. You need to move quickly on those, as they sell out well before the show each year.
  • ISHE also offers Associate Members the opportunity to include their logo in our emails. It’s currently $500 / year. Again, that is a bargain when you consider what one new project would be worth to your company. See the sponsorship form.
  • Come to the meetings to hear what is important to the members and see where you can help. Please make suggestions on how we can become a better organization for our members. We are always looking for new ideas.  See the ISHE calendar.
  • ISHE is the lead organizer for the Midwest Healthcare Engineering Conference.  This is a key late-year event for healthcare industry vendors.
  • ASHE is a national origination with ISHE being the local chapter of ASHE. We encourage you to support both organizations.

Let us know if you would like to discuss this in more detail. Reach out to an Associate board member who will be happy to offer advice and support.

Thanks for your interest!